Thursday 27 January 2011

Sport 3 - Olyimpic Weightlifting

We as a class are attempting to learn a 'Snatch'.

In order to do this we must first learn the 'Over head squat'. Main performance points of an over head squat are as follows..
  • weight on heels
  • head over toes
  • crease of hip below knee
  • lumbar curve maintained throughout
  • arms locked
  • active shoulders
  • bar over frontal plane
Before we start the exercise we must warm up using a technique called 'Burgener Warm Up'. This consists of using a PVC pole to practice the technique that you will be perfoming. It will allow the athlete to let their body to get used to the movement, while correcting any errors that may be dangerous if occured with a weight. The 5 steps are:

down and up - the athlete shrugs their sholders bring the bar up slightly
elbows high - high force, lifts elbows high bringing the bar higher
muscle snatch - filp the bar around and lifting above head
snatch lands - go from jumping position (heels under hips), to squating position (heels wider than hips)
snatch drops - sqaut down with bar above head

Example of an over head squat.

This is a video of me practicing my technique using a plastic pole..

OHS Joe Holland from joe holland on Vimeo.

In this video it is important for me to practice my technique before i use actual weights. I am in the white shorts here. Because i can watch this back i am able to pick up on any mistakes or bad techniques.

2nd OHS Joe Holland from joe holland on Vimeo.

Here i am still working on my technique, allowing myself to improve before a weighted bar is introduced. I need to work on keeping the bar as close to my body as possible so i can use the most force and avoid injury.